sunset, Malaysia
sunset, Malaysia
  • Books
    • 28/05/2012
ploughed through a few books in the last month or so, including:

Rusty Young - Marching Powder
[amazon] 4 quid bargain!
the memoirs of a british guy during his time in the most bizarre prison in the world after being busted for cocaine smuggling. amazing to read, throws all your ideas and expectations out of the window

William Burchett - Rebel Journalism
[amazon] 18 quid not bargain
unfortunately i either lost it or someone swiped it from the hostel before i could finish it, but this is a collection of interesting essays from this guys career as a "behind enemy lines" reporter, during the cold war and various asian conflicts.
I will try and get hold of more of his writings.

And some classics:

Jane Austen - Emma
Thomas Hardy - Tess of the D'Urbervilles
Thomas Hardy - Far From The Madding Crowd
Thomas Hardy - Jude The Obscure

I'm running out of Dickens to read and found Hardy's vivid settings in agricultural victorian times to be an engaging replacement, although lacking the witty dialogue and tending towards the tragic.
Far From the Madding Crowd was the nicest.
Emma is the original rom-com.

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